Reading Log 16

1 min readJun 9, 2021

Chapter 16 The Healing of Harms

  1. 1.Why was everyone becoming uneasy? What happened? — Everyone was uneasy, because the The King Caspian looked very pale, and sadly he died.
    2. What did Aslan tell Eustace to do? What happened afterwards? — Aslan commanded him to bring a thorn, after that blood was dropped on The King, then The King turned into a very young man.
    3. What happened when Aslan roared? What did Jill, Eustace, and Caspian do? What was the result? — When Aslan roared, experiment house wall was shattered. Bullying at the experiment house was revealed, and everything got better there.
  2. I thought they will spend a lot of time until they meet the king Caspian. It was pleasing to know that the King Caspian came to meet his son with the help of Aslan. For me, the saddest moment was when the children leave Puddleglum. They will miss each other for sure, because they spent a lot of time together, and become close. Actually, I will miss too, because he was a lovely character. I thought the story will end happily ever after. I didn’t really expect that The King Caspian to be dead in the book. It was sad that he couldn’t spend much time with his long lost son. Lastly, It is good that now the thing at experiment house got better than before.

